Zaki; Does she worth?

So this is a story about a girl with a blind mind. She is just an ordinary girl. she got no interest at all--no thought about how to live for tomorrow, she just living like "let just do it" but instead of doing the right thing she went onto a thought full of risk and ended up by doing nothing. Frankly speaking, she already considers everything, she doesn't come with a blank mind. She came with a lot of dreams, even the step to reach that. There are so many consideration, too many worries, a day full of stress, crying for no reason, ignorance, heavy hearted feeling, embarrassment, doubt...for the early year she was just trying to do the thing she had planned before, do this and that, didn't miss a thing, but rejection is all she can get. Not even a thing works like she planned, she then becomes more worried--no--she started to enjoy it, she gets into it, starts to not giving a shit about everything. tired of chasing dream while she knew that she ain't reach anything yet.

She doesn't even give a pity to her family, not even her father who worked for her and not even her mother who always worrying her. not even for their sweat. she lives well, foods, electric, the internet, transport, money, she's been provided so well. she should have been thankful for that, but she didn't. sometimes she hates it when her mother phones her and giving such a long wise word. she didn't sorry for her. she kept making mistakes, again and again. she is lost, don't know where to go, no direction, don't know what path she should be followed. even when she had made like a long planning. she is someone full of jealousy, envying someone who got better than her. she is blind. she failed. She is in fear of everything, wishing for an escape plan. run away to some place new. disappear like dust blown by the wind in the desert. perhaps, that is the reason why she like the desert and its night. Is she worth enough? the more she thinks about it the more she regret it but still don't know what to do. If only she tried to work until her limit.She should have covered her face right now. Does she worth enough?


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