
Yes, thank you for wishing me a good day. Pretty sure you have no intention after all, but trust me I really thank you for saying that. You probably do not know, my day was still that average and gloomy. Yes, you will never know that lately, I spend a lot of time to burst my feeling out by crying. I cried a lot. Despite me being cold and ignorance or whatever you say it, I do cry. And yes, for this time I don't even know what is happening to myself. A heavy feeling chasing me this often. I run but still caught up. What kind of feeling that trap me into this situation and how do I have to deal with this?
Yes, thank you for staying away. Making this awkward interaction when it comes to you. Truthfully, I do feel that it is better for me to keep my distance. Since you deserve a better someone with a lot of better personality, appearance, and yeah them all.
Yes, now I have to realize that this is what they called as low self-esteem and it feels like real. Last night song that I hear was from Epik High feature with two other my favorite artist. Home is far away, yes, their title song is relatable for me, at least to some extent. Should we talk about home?
How do you define home?
Yes, it ain't that physical thing or where you used to belong. I tried to calm my self down. Does it always that far away? what if it precisely next to you? it feels so close that you are sick of it? could it be that way?
Yes, I wish I could run away but guess what, where could I be then? that responsibility thing is holding me back. One thing that I know for sure, there would be another regret. Yes, I already have enough of them.
Yes, they're still in my thought and coming out along my tears.


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