One weird girl

The look of silent,
his hair, it grow, looking dense. He still showing up that sweet smile while I still keep my mouth shut and act totally awkward, just like that one weird girl.

#She still feels that butterfly, she may keep her eyes down when you're around but did you ever know that those eyes were searching for you when you seem like do not care. Then once it met, she turned her eyes away. Pathetic.

Her only wishes; #selfupgradedandYOU
she might be weird, careless, ugly (?), comparing her self, being thirsty of achievement, silly, undefined and typically an alien (?) but she knew how to be jealous, to care without you ever know. She just wants you.

Partner in life (?)
isn't it too fast to consider this thought? not that far dude, she wishes for a talk to start.

#He likes that another she
one friend she had were pretty. one friend she had were pretty, how you describe a girl is obviously her, she is on another level.

#Does he ever think of her [the first one]
does he? If he ever does, then it might be not a good one. What is that good part of being that girl, that weird one.

#Full of secret//lack of stories to be told --
how could she have lot of secrets? have you ever imagine what she kept? She is weird.

#Thus she become a listener
she tends to listen to others story, she listens well, you should have tried to have a conversation with, the long one, that deep talk. Small talk (?)
No, she talk about life and its value, yet does not valuing hers, she's weird, I've told you.


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