Attacking the night

It does not matter how hard I try to deal with these situations, I just cannot bear to be there.

When people are having fun, you could find me on the corner of the room, trying to get someone to take me out from the crowd. How I hate to be there, to feel like I'm alone within the crowd. The laugh and conversation I can't go through. One thing that suddenly comes to my mind is I can see my limit. The limit of socializing and be in the crowd. I guess that is why I better be in the small group rather than pushing my self to stand in the crowd. Don't judge me. I do try to fit my self for couples of times, trying to get into their conversation and jokes, laughing but still, I ain't feel comfortable. 
I watch people. Observe to be specific. 
I do not plan to break the wall. This night, a friend told me that she finally broke her wall. Out from her comfort zone, be braver than she had imagined before. She did it. 
I just cannot fake it. Grade, school, friends, parents, people, love, want everything. As time passes by I feel like I do not have any hope left. To be like I dreamed to be, be in the place I had imagined, I do not feel confident. At this point, I just want to run away. Low self-esteem, they said. Insecure, they said. I do not know how I can come to this point. I always wondering like, am I always like this? ever since I feel like I'm not. I guess I am. I feel like I could understand what path should I take right now, for tomorrow. To be honest, this feeling is disgusting, silly. I'm ashamed right now. After all, isn't it a part of life living. You get hurt, happy, disappointed, sad. I don't know how many times I have to say this, but I need a rest. 



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