To Start a New Day

To start a new day. For me, this means a lot. I've been woke up pretty late for the last one week and I guess I need to change that before it become a habit. That being said, I am successfully getting out of my bed at 05:30. I was surprised. Well I usually did the same at home but when you live alone it's just don't work. Let me elaborate. By living on your own, in a place separately from your family, and having that space where you are the one who make the rule waking up early in the morning is as tough as choosing your meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

But I did this, I win my self. Alright long story short, I decided to go to the local market (well it took me almost thirty minutes to think whether to go there or not) by foot. Shook? please don't. I went to the market and bought banana, papaya, sweet potato, pumpkin, and had a breakfast before going back home. I should have done this regularly. The market is less than ten minutes by foot and it's way cheaper than a supermarket. The reason I decided to go to the market was because I want to start to make my own food and had a balance kind of nutrition. My eating habit is such a wreck. Constantly eating spicy food, less veggies, less fruits, and an unfixed eating time. I've making my health more worse I guess. The thing is I am actually can't eat any spicy food anymore or acidic thing in general. But yeah spicy food is just that good :'))

At least I tried to change that habit. A little. At noon I went to a food court with my friend and we were having a warm and nice waffle with an ice cream on top and a blueberry sauce. Here's the funny thing. I used to think that the blueberry sauce was a melted clue cheese because the owner write "blue cheese" on the menu but then after a while I realized that it is a BLUEBERRY SAUCE with a cheese on the side, separately. It's really nice to meet her again after graduation. We were talking about job hunting, and how life has going on for both of us. I told her that I have applied to ten company and seven of them reject me. But hey we're just the same haha

It's currently 10:34 P.M and that is pretty much the thing that I do for today. I just wanna stay positive about things that happen and will happen in the future. Let's see what tomorrow has. 


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